Opening of a class for ages 6-9 in September 2024
Opening of a new school for ages 2-6 in September 2024:
28 rue Eugène Millon 75015
The Montessori approach
The Montessori pedagogy offers the child all the keys he needs to become the free, autonomous and happy adult of tomorrow. By evolving in an environment that fully corresponds to the child, they develop their self-confidence, and therefore, are in the best position to learn.
The posture and benevolence of the adults is essential. By having the humility to observe that the children already carry within them all that is necessary for their own development, the adult adapts his activity proposals to the needs and the rhythm of the child and this nourishes their deep desire to learn and their natural curiosity.
Doctor Maria Montessori sums it up in one sentence: “The child is not a vase that one fills but a source that one lets flow."
By following the rhythm of the child, we help them through the "sensitive periods". The example of the sensitive period of language is particularly eloquent. When learning to speak, the child will naturally observe the lips of the adult. The role of the educator is then to communicate, to tell stories, to constantly expose the child to new vocabulary.
The first words the child will utter will be those they have heard, expressed in the language they have heard since birth. This is why at Eclosia we offer a bilingual environment to children, who learn French and English by identifying each language with an educator who speaks their mother tongue to the child.
The Montessori pedagogy accompanies the child towards responsibility and freedom. They gain autonomy little by little, learning to reproduce by themselves an activity that has been presented to them.
Then they choose their activity among those which will have been selected for them by the educator, and explores it in their own way. The choice of activity widens as the child grows.
It is, therefore, the educator's role to prepare the most suitable environment for the child. Montessori materials are one of the essential components. Adapted to the age, size and strength of the child, the materials allow them to experiment and move from the concrete to the abstract. Another aspect of this is the mixing of ages. It stimulates the youngest as well as the oldest: the youngest children learn by observing and imitating, while older children are empowered, and therefore, pass on their learning to the youngest.
If the Montessori pedagogy naturally combines the well-being of the child and academic excellence, it is also because it leaves ample room for his psychomotor development. For example, learning to write can only be done after preparation of the hand, which will have been exercised by fine motor activities, but also by gross motor skills of the body.
“The motor organ that characterizes man is the hand at the service of intelligence for the realization of work."
Doctor Maria Montessori has developed an educational program following a scientific approach, based on observation and experimentation with children. Montessori's ideals of peace, respect for the child and their individuality ensure that her educational project is still as current and inspiring for educators and families today.
At Eclosia, Montessori pedagogy is at the heart of the educational project. This does not prevent us from remaining open to ideas from other currents. Aware that some families will choose a more traditional school for entry into first grade, activities inspired by other pedagogies will be regularly offered to children of moyenne and grande section.